UMBC Maker Space

Conceptual Design | Strategy

Noting the UMBC Vision Statement: “The UMBC community redefines excellence in higher education through an inclusive culture that connects innovative teaching and learning, research across disciplines, and civic engagement. We will advance knowledge, economic prosperity, and social justice by welcoming and inspiring inquisitive minds from all backgrounds.” Spurred by the Maker Movement and in line with the UMBC Vision, The Verve Partnership developed a Place Making Strategy and Design Concept, which may serve as the basis of a significant fund-raising initiative to support the creation of a Maker Space.

The Maker Movement is loosely described by leading researchers as:
A movement that focuses on collaboration as well as the physical act of making. It is a cultural reaction against a world that’s become too virtual for comfort. Recent data suggests, the movement informs new perspectives as well as reinforcing the tenets of active learning.